Denver South Park and Pacific Historical Society

DSP&P Historical Society Board of Directors

Bob Schoppe, President
Fairplay, Colorado

Steve Thompson, Vice President
Colorado Springs, Colorado

Duncan Harvey, Secretary
Centennial, Colorado

Steve Schweighofer, Treasurer
Denver, Colorado

Tom Lawson, Director
Boulder, Colorado

James Mackay, Director
Denver, Colorado

Robert Stears, Director
Cheyenne, Wyoming

Charlease Elzenga, Director
Colorado Springs, Colorado

Officers of the Society are elected by the members and serve two-year terms. Positions on the board do not require Colorado residency. Board nominations are accepted from 1 January to 31 March.

Membership is worldwide and all members are encouraged to have a voice in the Society.

Contact us at: or:

DSP&P Historical Society
P. O. Box 371373
Denver, CO 802376

DL and G engine

D,L & G engine 115 and a three car eastbound passenger train (lettered Union Pacific!) passes over the D&RG Blue River branch at Kokomo in this view taken around 1892

Photo by Frank W. Grove
Leadville, CO, DSPPHS Collection